Add a Donations Button

Adding a Donations Button can bring it that extra little bit of income and surprisingly enough there are people out there that will donate rather large sums of money. From the often $1-5 to the occasional $20 or $50 or even $100. Don't count on the $100 donation but it may happen.
Many viewers will probably find your site a good resource and would like to keep it on the internet, if your having problems meeting payments for your hosting service let your readers know that. A few dollars from a few people here and there can be of huge help when your first getting started. I'm not saying beg for money, but if you honestly need help... Admit to it. You will probably find some compassionate viewers. If your content has helped them they will be more likely to help you.

The easiest way I know of to add a Donations button is through PayPal.

1. Sign in or create your paypal account.

2. Click the Merchant Services Tab that runs along the top of the site.

4. Scroll down a bit and look for the Section that reads: Create Buttons and click the Donate link.

5. You should now see a page that looks like this:

You only have to fill in your organization name/service everything else is optional. You can change the donation to a fixed amount or give your visitors a choice to Donate however much they please. I suggest not using a plain text email address because spammers will get a hold of it and before you know it you will be receiving hundreds of worthless emails each day. So instead of cursing yourself with pointless spam select the option of using your secure merchant id.

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Create Button"

7. Copy the code and login to your site and paste the code wherever you want it to appear. If your using Read on.

8. Login to your account and copy the code to your blog --> page elements --> add gadget --> add HTML Code --> paste the code in the area provided

10. You now have a working Donations button!